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Sunday Shopping – Visit Antwerpen

If you live in Belgium, you probably already know that Antwerp has shopping Sundays: on the first Sunday of each month, a lot of shops and galleries are open all Sunday!

So please drop by and visit my Shop on the Sint Katelijnevest 27. B2000 Antwerpen Belgium the next first sunday of the month. I am usually there, but you can always give me a phone call to be 100% sure +32 3 227.35.40.

Antwerp has dozens of Amazing museums, notably the Mas (that holds the Janssens collection of precolumbian art and it's gold jewelry, as well as outstanding tribal collections like Malraux Hemba figure from his imaginary museum), the recently reopened KMSKA museum (a lot of Rubens, and James Ensor, mixed with ugly contemporary art, amongst much else)
The Mayer van den Bergh museum hosting the Dulle Griet, and around the corner from my shop you can find the Snijders & Rockoxhuis…there is something to suit everyone!
You will also be able to examine and handle this spectacular Punu mask and hundreds of other things from my own collections!
And just in case some treasure catches your eye, there is a “Special Sunday” deal that must not be missed!
See you soon !

David Norden

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