African art is a diverse and rich field, with many popular and expensive masks and statues. Here are some examples of popular and expensive African art masks and statues:
Benin Bronze Masks: From the Benin Empire in present-day Nigeria, these bronze masks are highly valued for their intricate details and historical significance and difficult to find today. Prices can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more. Example a leopard mask sold at Christies in 2003 for 21,000$
Dan Masks: From the Dan people of Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, these masks are known for their distinctive features and ceremonial importance. Prices can range from $2,000 to $500,000 or more. Exemple, this Dan mask sold for 12,000€ in April 2024 at Christie's
Bamana Chi Wara Masks: From the Bamana people of Mali, these masks are used in agricultural ceremonies and are prized for their beauty and cultural significance. Prices can range from $3,000 to $100,000 or more. Example, this one sold at Sotheby's this year for 113,000€
Yoruba Egungun Masks: From the Yoruba people of Nigeria, these masks are used in ancestral ceremonies and are highly valued for their spiritual significance. Prices can range from $2,000 to $20,000 or more, but are rarely seen in higher price range Example, one from the Met Museum .
Dogon Statues: From the Dogon people of Mali, these statues are known for their old age intricate carvings and mythological themes. Prices can range from $5,000 to several millions for the tellems that came before them. Example TELLEM STATUE Price realised EUR 1,250,000 at Christie's
Baule Masks: From the Baule people of Côte d'Ivoire, these masks are prized for their beauty and cultural significance. Prices can range from $3,000 to $100,000 or more. Example: A quite rare one that was owned by Picasso and sold for 1.5 million at Chrsties in 2013 and a more traditional face mask with an Antilope on top that sold for 2 million
Fang Ngil Masks: From the Fang people of Gabon and Cameroon, these masks are used in initiation ceremonies and are highly valued for their spiritual significance. A huge amount of fakes on the market and very few genuine ones. Prices can range from $50,000 to several millions depending on age, beauty and provenance. Example: This Fang mask originally sold for 150€ from a private couple ended at a french auction for 4.2 million euros.
Kongo Power Figures: Among the most wanted African Art items. From the Kongo people of Angola and Congo, these figures are used in spiritual ceremonies and are prized for their beauty and cultural significance. Prices can range from $5,000 to a few millions or more. Exemple this nkisi n’kondi coming from Barbier-Mueller's museum sold at Christie's in Paris for 9 million euros xx
Ashanti Gold Weights: From the Ashanti people of Ghana, these gold weights are used in ceremonial contexts and are highly valued for their historical significance. There prices are much more modest and a perfect type of object for starting collectors. Prices range from $100 to $500 or more. Example one in the Denver art Museum
Songye Nkishi: The Songye tribe from congo made imposing male figure, about half life size, used to protect the village and trained ritual by the nganga magician. They are much wanted, and price vary from 5,000€ to a few hundred thousands. Example: one from the Metropolitan Museum
Please note that prices may vary depending on factors such as provenance (the ownership history), condition (the state of preservation), rarity (how common it is), size (larger pieces may be worth less than smaller ones due simply being larger), age (older pieces tend be worth more because they are likely been used in a tribal context), quality of carving etc.,
Also note that some African art pieces may have been looted or removed without permission during colonial times which adds an extra layer complexity when buying/selling said items today due legal & ethical considerations surrounding repatriation efforts across African countries currently happening right now, making some objects more difficult to buy or sell ( like Benin bronzes and ivories )