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Dogon mask -Samana-Mali

A Dogon dancing mask, representing a Samo, a member of a neighboring ethnic group with a reputation for aggressive, warlike behavior.
Dimensions: 38×21×17 cm

This Dogon mask with a thick encrusted layer of mud mixed with other things is identified as representing a Samo, a member of a neighboring ethnic group with a reputation for aggressive, warlike behavior.

Dogon artists depict many human characters in their masks, and foreigners and marabouts. Most of these characters are with only a few human characters are portrayed in wood. While all of these human masks are somewhat similar in form, wooden Samara warrior masks are usually frightening . .

This finely carved mask has been in my collection the last 20 years.


The crust looks to be made of cotton fibers mixed with chicken blood, earth, etc..


Read also :

The various types of Dogon masks

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