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Sunday Shopping in Antwerp

Sunday Shopping In Antwerp

Let yourself be surprised and enticed by Antwerp's extensive shopping offerings.

Ranging from major fashion houses to trendy boutiques, and from small and independent shops like David Norden's African Art shop to groundbreaking concept stores.

Every first Sunday of the month, a large selection of shops are open in the center of Antwerp. Come shop and combine it with a visit to the numerous restaurants & cafés; museums, markets, and points of interest.

Because shopping in Antwerp is …

Knowing where you begin but not where you will end up.

From left to right :

Akuaba doll | Bassa passport mask Levi | Miniature Baule Figure | Ogboni maskPassport Bassa mask Germ collection  | Akan terracotta statue | Ibeji |Salampasu mask

From left to right:

  • – Ashanti doll, wood. H= 28 cm

provenance french collection.

  •  Bassa passport mask, wood, H= 16 cm, 23 cm on metal stand.

provenance Nadya Levi, Paolo Morigi.

  • – Small Baule shrine figure. Wood, remains of offerings encrusted. H = 18 cm
  • Ogboni mask, Nigeria. Wood, white kaolin, red Tokula powder, black carbon.  H= 28 cm. 40cm on the stand.

Provenance Millon French collection

  • -Passport Bassa mask. Wood.  H= 13cm, 21cm on stand.

Provenance= Bob Germ.

  • Akan commemorative statue. Terracotta, H= 25 cm. Hands on knees for terracotta, a rare depiction of female wisdom in Akan votive pieces. When the arms are along the body it is virtue. Ivory Coast.

Provenance: Charles Lapicque (1898-1988)

  • Ibeji. Ilorin Oyo. Yoruba, Nigeria. Wood. H = 25cm.

Provenance: Ursula Voorhuis.

  • Salampasu mask in two colors. Height of the wood mask = 19 cm. H= 46 cm on stand.

Provenance: Nadya Levi.

In the online African Art shop I am regularly adding objects from my inventory. But if you want to see everything, you should visit me in Antwerp. If for any reason you have troubles buying through the shop, drop me a line at

Online kunt U enkele voorwerpen uit mijn collectie zien, maar U bent ook welkom hier in Antwerpen. Indien het U niet lukt om via de webshop te bestellen kunt U mailen naar

Sur mon site pour pouvez acquérir certaines de mes pièces d'Art Africain , mais pour les voir toutes il faudra vous rendre à Anvers. Si vous avez des diffucultés pour acheter dans le webshop, vous pouvez aussi simplement envoyer un courriel à

Click to Visit the Buy African Antiques Shop

Helpful links

How to determine African Art Authenticity and age.

Follow my African Art rambles on Facebook

David Norden

Sint Katelijnevest 27,

2000 Antwerp.


+32 3 227.35.40

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